Iron Mountain Trash Blast

The Friends of the Shawnee National Forest, along with the U.S. Forest Service and Illinois Extension hosts a trash blast Friday, May 5 from 1-3 p.m. at Iron Mountain in Union County. Grabbers, buckets and trash bags will be provided. Please wear closed-toed shoes,...
Ripple Hollow Trash Blast

Ripple Hollow Trash Blast

The Friends of the Shawnee National Forest, along with the U.S. Forest Service and Illinois Extension hosts a trash blast Friday April 7 from 1-3 p.m. at Ripple Hollow along the Union/Alexander County line. Grabbers, buckets and trash bags will be provided. Please...
Second Annual Shawnee Polar Plunge

Second Annual Shawnee Polar Plunge

Second Annual Shawnee Polar Plunge Register for the Plunge, lunch and workshop at, lunch/workshop, dinner hosted by Rim Rock’s Dogwood Cabins. Donations for the Plunge can be made...
Friends of the Shawnee 2022 Winter Newsletter

Friends of the Shawnee 2022 Winter Newsletter

Newsletter Winter 2023 @shawneefriends   F O L L O W us on Facebook The Friends of the Shawnee National Forest is a nonprofit organization that supports the Shawnee National Forest by promoting land stewardship, environmental education and responsible outdoor...
Friends of the Shawnee Fall 2022 Newsletter

Friends of the Shawnee Fall 2022 Newsletter

Newsletter Fall 2022 @shawneefriends F O L L O W us on Facebook The Friends of the Shawnee National Forest is a nonprofit organization that supports the Shawnee National Forest by promoting land stewardship, environmental education and responsible outdoor recreation....